Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday 25, 2013

Today in class we had out chapter 2 test. It was an open book test so I'm pretty sure I got a good grade. I did not get to finish the test yet, hopefully I can finish tomorrow.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I came into class late today :)

The Barbarian Way of Life

  •          Farming and village life
  •          No cities
  •          No written records
  •          No fixed government structures
  •          Languages Barbarians used became Greek and Latin
  •          2000BC – 1000AD barbarians came into contact with civilization
  •          Greece was first to emerge in Europe labeled “western”

The Aegean Encounter LO2

·         2200BC a civilization called Minoan arose on Aegean Island called Crete
·         Minoans drew wealth from control of trade
·         Greeks were influenced by Minoans/Crete
·         Mycenaean’s and Minoans fought for control of trade 1400BC

The Dark Ages

·         Mycenaean civilization lasted until 1200BC
·         1150BC Mycenaean was deserted, population dropped, no trade, no writing
·         Greeks expanded
·         1150-750BC The Dark Ages

Renewal of Greek Civilization
  •          800BC the Aegean recovered, population expanded
  •          Colonies founded 800-600BC
Greeks joined the Phoenicians
  •          New developments
  •          Use of iron tools/weapons
  •          Coined money
  •          Borrowing the Phoenician shipbuilding and warfare techniques
  •          Writing and alphabet formed Greek language

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

:D :D

Today in class we went over more notes and information on Ancient Greece and its civilization. In the beginning of class Mr. Schick was telling us how he was going to make class really boring, so he started talking in a dull voice and had a bunch of words on the board. After a while he called Ben to read a fact to make the class more interesting, which really helped. I don't know what it is about Ben's voice but he can make something really boring sound very interesting and exciting. Mr. Schick asked Ben if he wanted to teach the rest of the class and he said he would but he would still need a little side line help along the way. So Ben and Mr. Schick teamed up and taught the class today. I learned that by 4000BC farming and village life had spread throughout the continent (Europe).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ancient Greece

Today in class we went over two groups Ancient Greece Google presentations. The first group was Carly, John, and Taylor. They went through their whole presentation talking about how the Greek civilization started and their resources. Then Olivia, Matt, and Becca came up to talk about the Dark Ages on their slide. Something I learned new was that at some point in history for about 400 years Greeks stopped recording their history, so through out that point in time it is very hard for us to understand what happened to the Greeks. When this happened the rate of trade and Greece's population went down.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Friday 15, 2013

Today we have a two hour early bell so class wasn't very long. We wen't over the test we took a while ago. I think I got a 74 :( but I can't remember. We went around the classroom going over the questions and saying the correct answers so we can study them for exams. Every time it was my turn to ask the question and give the answer it was on a question I got wrong.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day :)

Mr. Schick was back today! Right when class started we got back to work on our ancient Greece presentations. Once again Maria and I got a lot of work done. I am pretty sure we are almost half way done what we were asked to mention on our slides. We had a long class today so we got a break in between mods, on our way back in to class Mr. Schick was telling Maria and I that so far we are doing a great job and that our presentation is looking good. I feel like we are doing such a good job because Maria and I work really well together and I for once really understand what we are talking about and going over in class., most of the time I only understand half of what’s going on. When this assignment gets graded I know we will get a good grade.

Wednesday 13,2013

Mr. Schick wasn't in class today. We worked on our Google presentations my partner Maria and I got a lot of work done. In the middle of working on our presentation Mr. Schick got on and started looking at what we got done and if we were working. I thought it was kind of creepy that he was watching what we were doing and messaging us about our work and class, but I also thought it was really cool. We stared writing about the geography of ancient Greece and how there are many islands in the Mediterranean Sea and how the Greeks traded with everyone located in or around the Mediterranean. I started writing about barbarians and the Pantheon in Athens. I'm really glad I have a good partner who splits the work evenly and helps me when I need it. I think we are going to do very well on this assignment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday 11, 2013

Today in class we went over a power point about ancient Greece. We talked about the geographic feature and how Greece is a mountainous peninsula, 3/4 of Greece is mountains. There are about 1,400 islands surrounding Greece. Their location shaped their culture; there are many skilled sailors due to all the mountains. It was also very difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain so the developed small independent communities. We also went over the definition of a barbarian, who are tribal people who eventually come into contact with the civilizations of the east. In 2500 BC Indo-European (all the people who live in and migrate from India to Europe.) nomads from the steppes migrate into Europe and the European barbarian way of live evolved. We also talked about the Parthenon which sits on the top of the Acropolis in Athens. At the end of class we learned at Mediterranean means the middle of the world. Because there wasn't much traveling around the world the Greeks believed that they were in the middle of the world.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Friday 8, 2013

Today we came in 2 hours late! In class we took a test and I think I did a pretty good job. At first I didn't think I was going to finish in time because the class was shorter then usual but I did and I'm happy with what I turned in.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I want my mummy

Today in class we reviewed some of the things we have learned and what we need to know for the TEST TOMORROW. We went over things like the Nile and the "Two Lands" and how upper Egypt was a 500 mile long strip of fertile land along the Nile, Lower Egypt was wide land of the Nile delta emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. Around 3100 BC the two lands united. We also reviewed their government and how they worshiped a Godlike king (Pharaohs). Most pharaohs had multiple wives, some married their sisters. Egyptians relied on the harmony and balance of the universe which they called "maat". There was also a very important fact on women and their rights. Women could inherit money and land and divorce their husbands through only a tiny few ever wielded real political power.

Fun Facts-

  • The Temple of Amon at Karnak is the largest religious building in the world.
  • While mummifying a body all internal organs are removed except the heart.
  • Egyptians preformed mummification's to preserve the body for after-life. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Pyramid Challenge

Today in class Mr. Schick asked us to partner up and do the pyramid challenge. The pyramid challenge is pretty much a "game" that requires you to build a pyramid as quick as you can. You also have to manage the amount of slaves, craftsmen, farmers, and official that work for you and how you treat them. After choosing what your pyramid will look like, what it is made of, how many workers you have, and how you treat them you must sail your workers and supplies to the location you are building you pyramid. If you do not get to the location on time, the king does not approve, or the different kinds of workers and the amount is not right you must start over. This was very annoying to me because even if you only had to change one little thing you still had to do the whole thing over again. After like 15 tries I finally built my groups pyramid right at the bell. I was so happy to be finished; I never want to do that challenge again, ever.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thursday 31, 2013

Today in class we went through a power point that reviewed what we took notes on for homework the night before. We were able to go over Geography, Pyramids, and Daily Life on the power point. We took many notes for each.

- Egyptian life is centered around the Nile.
- The Nile flows from South to North
-The Nile's water is used for drinking, irrigation, bathing, and transportation.
- The Great Sphinx of Giza was build from 2555-2532 B.C
- Is a recumbent lion with a human's head.
- The oldest monumental statue in the world.
Daily Life
- The top of the list is the most powerful and the bottom is the least powerful.
  • Pharaoh
  • Gov. Officials - Nobles, Priests
  • Soldiers
  • Scribes
  • Merchants
  • Artisans
  • Farmers
  • Slaves and servants

- Slaves/servants helped the wealthy
- Farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils, and onions. This benefited from irrigation from the Nile.

 We also took a pop quiz. My grade came out as a 60.