Thursday, February 21, 2013

I came into class late today :)

The Barbarian Way of Life

  •          Farming and village life
  •          No cities
  •          No written records
  •          No fixed government structures
  •          Languages Barbarians used became Greek and Latin
  •          2000BC – 1000AD barbarians came into contact with civilization
  •          Greece was first to emerge in Europe labeled “western”

The Aegean Encounter LO2

·         2200BC a civilization called Minoan arose on Aegean Island called Crete
·         Minoans drew wealth from control of trade
·         Greeks were influenced by Minoans/Crete
·         Mycenaean’s and Minoans fought for control of trade 1400BC

The Dark Ages

·         Mycenaean civilization lasted until 1200BC
·         1150BC Mycenaean was deserted, population dropped, no trade, no writing
·         Greeks expanded
·         1150-750BC The Dark Ages

Renewal of Greek Civilization
  •          800BC the Aegean recovered, population expanded
  •          Colonies founded 800-600BC
Greeks joined the Phoenicians
  •          New developments
  •          Use of iron tools/weapons
  •          Coined money
  •          Borrowing the Phoenician shipbuilding and warfare techniques
  •          Writing and alphabet formed Greek language

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