Tuesday, May 7, 2013

LO2 Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace


  •  During this Era Jewish conflict and dispute led to the destruction of the Temple in A.D 70.

  • What is most known of Jesus is written in his gospels, named after Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Which are thought to be written between forty and seventy years after he died about A.D 30
  • Scholars debate in how much these stories reflect Jesus's actual works and deeds
The Teacher
  • The gospels were written at a time when the Jewish majority and the believers in Jesus were turning against each other
  • Jesus taught that even the most faithful righteousness according to the Law fell short of what was necessary to please God. One must love not only one's friends but one's enemies; one must refrain only from adultery but from lustful thoughts.
  • Jesus made a point of associating with people whom sticklers for the Law thought of as highly displeasing to God

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