Thursday, May 2, 2013

West Civ 4-1-13

Today in class we watched more of the Rome video about Tiberius. We finished off with Tiberius making a promise to the Barbarians to save thousands of soldiers and Romans. After the surrender Tiberius was recommended to run for Tribune. Each year 10 people are elected Tribune, to defend the peoples rights. In the Forum 133 BC Tiberius made his speech to the people to get a spot as Tribune. Tiberius won Tribune and used his Vito to put the government to stop and to show how powerful he could be if messed with. Octavious turned the aristocrats and other Romans against Tiberius by telling them he wanted to become king. There was a small war between those who supported Tiberius and those who though he wanted to be king. Wanting to be king was the worst thing someone could be accused of doing. On the day of Tiberius's election he was beat to death buy chairs, benches and other things found in the senate. He was not given a proper funeral, he was tossed in the river. Tiberius was killed along with 300 of his supporters.

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