Monday, March 18, 2013


Today in class we had a test. The page layout of the test was very different then how Mr. Schick usually has it but it wasn't too confusing. It was a short test and it wasn't too easy and it was too hard, it required just the right amount of thinking. :) I don't think I got a 100 on the test but I do think I did pretty well. On the other hand, every time I think I do well on a test I get a bad grade. But I guess I will have to wait to find out. I can't remember if we finished the video or not but I do hope next time we have class we are still learning about Ancient Greece, I really do like it. Another thing I really like about ancient Greece is the people’s names. They are so different from the names we have now. My favorites are Xerxes and Phibidades. We also learned while watching the movie is that THE UNEXAMENED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING, which I agree with.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday 15, 2013

Today in class we started to go over and fill out our study guides. I had to sit in the back to charge my computer so I couldn't hear much and when I had a question it couldn't be answered. For every question that was answered Mr. Schick gave out a muffin. He should do that more often because it really gets the students eager to answer and participate in class. I really enjoy learning about ancient Greece; I think it is very interesting. I also like watching the video, taking notes, and stopping the video to go over things it really helps me understand more. I also think I am doing very well in Mr. Schick’s class; I’m just having a hard time remembering to blog every night. I trying to think of ways to remind myself but so far, I got nothing. I’m not really sure why I forget to blog because it should be an everyday thing and I really like it. It helps me get some of my thoughts out about class that I can’t share during class.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Test Review Day!

We chose to go over our tests today in class. I got eight of the multiple choice wrong, 3, 6, 8, 17, 26, 27, 29, and 30. The correct answers for each question were..

3. E
6. D
8. C
17. D
26. A
27. C
29. E
30. B
I also lost some points on the short answer questions. I could only figure out two of the questions so I didn't answer two and four. The correct answers for two and four are...

2. The titles of the two stories Homer told about the Trojan War were The Iliad and The Odyssey.

4. Prominent and long-established Athenian land-owners were called Aristocrats.

On my essay I got a 16 out of 20 which isn't to bad. I answers question B for the essay's, we were suppose to compare the city-states of Athens and Sparta.

While we were going over the test Mr. Schick let us know which questions would show up again. The two he mentioned were questions number two for multiple choice and number three for short answer. I'm glad they were questions I got correct.

2. Approximately 3/4 of Greece is covered by mountains.

3. The word "Mediterranean" originally meant The center of the world.

Socrates and Marijuana

Today in class we examined the famous painting called The Death of Socrates. We talked about how almost everything in the painting leads to him and what some of the thing places in the painting meant. After a long discussion about the painting we had a long discussion about whether we should legalize marijuana or not. I really liked the whole idea of picking a topic and just talking about how we feel towards the subject. I think it is something we should do every once in a while so we can let our brains think freely but still learn and understand what is going on, the classes also stay very engaged with what is going on in class during these discussions. I though our class ended up having very interesting discussions and we all understood and questioned each other. We also talked about a religion that believes a giant flying spaghetti monster created the earth. To me I think that is very strange and crazy, but others might think that about my religion so there is nothing I could do or say about that religion without having someone come back at me about beliefs in my religion.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Field Trip

March 8, 2013 I was not in class today. I went on a very fun and interesting field trip to the National Gallery of Art in D.C. I saw so many beautiful paintings and sculptures.