Monday, April 29, 2013

Technical Problems

Today in class we were trying to watch a movie about Ancient Rome but the sound on Mr. Schick's computer wasn't working to it took us a whole mod to figure out what the problem was. Because it took so long to fix the computer we didn't get to watch much of the video so I didn't get many notes but this is what I got.

- The Republic lasted 500 years

-Tiberius son of the Emperor also named Tiberius.

  • He died defending his fathers ideas
  • Was murdered by an aristocrat
  • His crime changed Rome FOREVER 
-After 6 days of fighting the Carthaginians surrendered 
  • Defeating Carthage showed that Tiberius was able to take after his father.  
  • Carthage was destroyed and all the territory ended up in the hands of Rome
  • Men ad children from Carthage were sold into slavery
- As the aristocrats got richer from the things taken from Carthage, the poor flooded the streets

-If Tiberius fails to take care of the poor the Republic would fall apart.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Test tomorrow STUDY!!!!!

Today in class we reviewed the lyrics in the song Rome for the test we are taking tomorrow. 

Rome lyrics (explained)

  1. The Latin's settled in Rome first and gave us our alphabet and language.

  • After the Latin's  the Etruscans and Greeks settled in Rome

  • Rome had a river that flowed from the inland to the see, many hills to keep an eye out for enemies , in the middle of the peninsula, middle of the Mediterranean sea.

  • All the geographic features around them made them believe they were chosen to rule and be in charge.

  1. Tarquin  was the last king of Rome

  • He got full of himself and king crazy and rose against his government and tried to take over.
  • The romans ran Tarquin out of Rome

  1. Respublica = Republic
    • Power in the hands of the people
    • Power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens.

  1. Patricians
    • Land owners, wealthy, have connections

  1. Plebians
    • Common people, workers, small farmers, wealthy non-Patricians
  1. Aristocracy
    • Rich, connected, landowning, powerful, own branch of government, makes laws and decisions on what goes on
  1. Tribunes
    • had the power to convene the Plebeian Council and to act as its president, which also gave them the right to propose legislation before it.

  • The people damanded to patricans to come clean and make the laws/rules and punishments public
  • In the forum are twelve tables with the rules and punishments
  1. Consuls
    • Two senators led the government and military for ONE YEAR TERMS (10years between terms) and appointed their own successors
  1. Three forms of Government
    • Democracy
    • Aristocracy
    • Monarchy 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Rome Rome Rome Rome Rome

Class was very interesting today. The groups who decided to finish their movie for the song Rome presented their videos. Carly's group was no doubt the best video was saw e whole class. I just don't know why it worked so well for her group but not for mine. I think I listened to the Rome song like a thousand times in that one class. The song was stuck in my head for the rest of the day which is good and bad, I have an annoying tune/song in my head but I'm learning while I listen to it. Even though making a video didn't work the idea of doing it was great and I thought it was very helpful.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today in class we finally all realized our computers are poo and we should just use macs. The movie maker wasn't really cooperating so Mr. Schick said to either finish the project; make it a power point for extra credit, or find another way to study. I think I'm just going to go over the lyrics and take a couple notes and pictures to help my for the test. During class Maria and I pretty much talked about whatever and caught up on some classwork and homework. Once I finished that I took some notes on the lyrics.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today in class one of the AIMS people came in to evaluate. He wasn't in class very long so I'm not sure how much he really evaluated. Mr. Schick gave us the assignment to make a video for his original song Rome. My partner is Maria, we were having some technical difficulties so it took us a while to get started, but Mr.Schick's magical powers got our video going. I have realized the most challenging part of this assignment is timing. You have to make sure the pictures match the lyrics which takes a while to get right. I do like this assignment. I like that Mr.Schick is always trying to find new ways to get his students to really interact with the lesson. I never really show up to class not wanting to be there.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Romulus and Remus

Today in class we worked on our comic strips. Maria was my partner and we finished in class today. I really liked making the comics I thought it was cool. They didn’t have all the realistic props to make the comic which makes it funny because something’s just aren’t normal. Our comics were about the two brothers named Romulus and Remus. Their parents left them as children; they put them in a basket and sent them away on a river. The two brothers crossed the path a of she wolf, who nursed them, fed them, and raised them. When the brothers got older they decided to build a city in the area the she wolf found them. Romulus killed Remus and built the city on his own.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick and Martha, aka Chi Cago and MSchick Lamar preformed a very interesting rap about Rome. The whole thing caught me off guard but I thought it was really funny and cool. After the private show, we disgusted the history of Rome and how it started to grow/expand. We talked about Patricians who are upper class citizens who belong to the oldest and noblest Roman families. We also talked about Plebeians who are the common people in Rome such a workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who are not Patricians. The Roman republic was a system of a city state government in which decision making was shared with the Senate and assemblies of male citizens. The Senate in Rome is originally made of members of the Patricians and wealthy Plebeians. In the Roman republic two senators who led the government and military for one year terms and appoint their own successors were Consuls.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today in class we took a test on Alexander, his family, and his great accomplishments at battle. I think I did pretty well but I know I did not get an A. After I turned in the test I looked back at my extra notes to review the questions I had a hard time answering. I may have gotten two or three questions wrong. I'm still pretty confident that I got at least a B or C. When we finished the test we had to go to Mr. Schick’s blog and work on the assignment he posted. Our assignment is to finish LO-1 City-State and Empire: The Roman Republic, found on p. 88-94. The only problem is my book has disappeared so I need to borrow one for this assignment and keep looking for the book I was given during the first class. It is also a new quarter so I am working on staying organized and being prepared for class. I am going to update my blog every night we have class and finish every assignment I am given.

Study Guide

King Phillip ll as Father
  • The father of Alexander the Great
  • He did not get along with Alexander
  • Was King of Masidonia
  • Had many wives
  • Was a military man
  • Alexander the Greats mother
  • She got along with Alexander
  • Was the God of Gods
  • Was the God of thunder and lightning
  • Was addressed to as Alexander the Greats real father
King Phillip ll as King
  • Assassinated in the spring of 336 BC
  • Jelous bidy gaurd killed him
  • Someone paid the body gaurd to kill him
  • Olympia and Alexander paid the body gaurd to kill him
At age 20 Alexander became King of the expanding empire

Leonidas tutored Alexander the Great
  • math
  • horsemanship
  • Wounded in the shoulder by a dart
  • Won epic battles against Porus
  • Built an allience with the ruler of Porus