Monday, April 8, 2013

Study Guide

King Phillip ll as Father
  • The father of Alexander the Great
  • He did not get along with Alexander
  • Was King of Masidonia
  • Had many wives
  • Was a military man
  • Alexander the Greats mother
  • She got along with Alexander
  • Was the God of Gods
  • Was the God of thunder and lightning
  • Was addressed to as Alexander the Greats real father
King Phillip ll as King
  • Assassinated in the spring of 336 BC
  • Jelous bidy gaurd killed him
  • Someone paid the body gaurd to kill him
  • Olympia and Alexander paid the body gaurd to kill him
At age 20 Alexander became King of the expanding empire

Leonidas tutored Alexander the Great
  • math
  • horsemanship
  • Wounded in the shoulder by a dart
  • Won epic battles against Porus
  • Built an allience with the ruler of Porus

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