Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Test tomorrow STUDY!!!!!

Today in class we reviewed the lyrics in the song Rome for the test we are taking tomorrow. 

Rome lyrics (explained)

  1. The Latin's settled in Rome first and gave us our alphabet and language.

  • After the Latin's  the Etruscans and Greeks settled in Rome

  • Rome had a river that flowed from the inland to the see, many hills to keep an eye out for enemies , in the middle of the peninsula, middle of the Mediterranean sea.

  • All the geographic features around them made them believe they were chosen to rule and be in charge.

  1. Tarquin  was the last king of Rome

  • He got full of himself and king crazy and rose against his government and tried to take over.
  • The romans ran Tarquin out of Rome

  1. Respublica = Republic
    • Power in the hands of the people
    • Power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens.

  1. Patricians
    • Land owners, wealthy, have connections

  1. Plebians
    • Common people, workers, small farmers, wealthy non-Patricians
  1. Aristocracy
    • Rich, connected, landowning, powerful, own branch of government, makes laws and decisions on what goes on
  1. Tribunes
    • had the power to convene the Plebeian Council and to act as its president, which also gave them the right to propose legislation before it.

  • The people damanded to patricans to come clean and make the laws/rules and punishments public
  • In the forum are twelve tables with the rules and punishments
  1. Consuls
    • Two senators led the government and military for ONE YEAR TERMS (10years between terms) and appointed their own successors
  1. Three forms of Government
    • Democracy
    • Aristocracy
    • Monarchy 

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