Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick and Martha, aka Chi Cago and MSchick Lamar preformed a very interesting rap about Rome. The whole thing caught me off guard but I thought it was really funny and cool. After the private show, we disgusted the history of Rome and how it started to grow/expand. We talked about Patricians who are upper class citizens who belong to the oldest and noblest Roman families. We also talked about Plebeians who are the common people in Rome such a workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who are not Patricians. The Roman republic was a system of a city state government in which decision making was shared with the Senate and assemblies of male citizens. The Senate in Rome is originally made of members of the Patricians and wealthy Plebeians. In the Roman republic two senators who led the government and military for one year terms and appoint their own successors were Consuls.

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